The Beginning

The good old first blog post. I haven’t written a blog since college so bare with me until I start getting the hang of this again.

I plan on keeping this blog as real as possible. I want to represent myself in a way that I am staying true to myself. As I begin my art career, I know there are a lot of challenges ahead of me. There are a ton of amazing talented artists out there. I want to learn and become inspired by as many of them as I can. However, I want to be one of the people that inspire and people learn from as well.

Most importantly, I want to grow as an artist. As most people do, I have dreams of making it big. I have goals set out both short term and long term. It is going to take a lot of hard work to accomplish those goals. I want everyone who takes notice of me, who even as little as likes one of my pieces, to come along this ride with me. In every great future there was always a beginning and my beginning is now.

Looking forward to the ride,

